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廈門馨諾公司是一家專業(yè)以吹制藝術玻璃的典范企業(yè)。是以吹制藝術玻璃、藝術琉璃生產(chǎn)的優(yōu)勝企業(yè);擁有較的設計、生產(chǎn)、銷售團隊和一流的管理。馨諾吹制藝術玻璃采用威尼斯工藝、純手工吹制技術的專業(yè)廠家;是國內(nèi)完全擁有該工藝和技術的企業(yè)。公司首席工藝師吳剛先生,從師于威尼斯吹制藝術玻璃大師德列納卡里先生,在同行業(yè)中享有極高的聲譽和威望。我司工藝品種多樣,款式新穎,晶瑩剔透,反光效果極其璀璨,無論是從產(chǎn)品的設計到著色、造型的大小可根據(jù)顧客的需要來量身訂制,其可塑性給設計師帶來無限的暇想空間。一貫秉承“100%完美”的產(chǎn)品設計生產(chǎn)理念。在全國各地樹立了高品味藝術工程.設計的產(chǎn)品遍布全國并遠銷世界各地,成長的足跡和榮譽使我司在世界同行業(yè)及消費者中有很高的知名度。我們積極參與世界別墅豪宅的藝術用品、星級酒店、高級飯店裝飾材料的銷售和設計;憑著雄厚的技術力量,規(guī)范的管理體制及過硬的工作作風為馨諾評得良好的市場口碑。馨諾人的不斷努力成果,樹立起獨特的企業(yè)文化和極具規(guī)模的服務體系;形成了“專業(yè)化”、“品牌化”、“科技化”的優(yōu)勢。馨諾以世界文化為背景、結合現(xiàn)代主義的人文景觀,追尋回歸自然、返璞歸真的審美觀念建設起獨具風格的企業(yè)文化。“客戶滿意、”是馨諾人永遠的追求。“求實創(chuàng)新、精益求精”是馨諾人的事業(yè)精神,”誠實守信、服務至上”是馨諾人的服務準則。 Xiamen Xinnuo Ltd. is expert in blowing craft glass and coloured glaze which have best team of design, production, sale and management. We are professional at handwork with Venice’s technology in China.Mr. Wu Gang, chief technologist, is learned from Mr. Delenakali who is great technologist in Venice,and is with great reputation in blowing glass.We have plenty of fantastic design. It looks like diamond, glittering and translucent which gives rich imagine for deisgner. It can be made based on customer’s requirement. Xinnuo always insist memo of ‘100% perfect product’ and sell high quality product all over China, as well as the world. Furthermore, we actively attend to decoration compete of villa village; hotel; restaurant and other luxurious buildings. We win great reputation because of our good quality; management and working attitude. We keep building our unique company culture and system of service. Our compny culture is chasing natural beauty based on world culture and modern artifical view. Furthermore, our advantage in competition is specialty, high quality and technology. ‘Customer’s satisfaction’ is target; ‘Reality and innovation’ is spirit; ‘High quality and magnificent art glass’ is our promise.   產(chǎn)品用途說明   Xiamen Xinnuo Big Glass Sculpture Co. Ltd. is a company with research, design and production. Our products are mainly used at Office Building; High Club; KTV; Villa Village; Luxurious Hotel and other luxurious building. We will decorate an elegant world for you whatever you like. 公司中文名稱: 廈門馨諾工貿(mào)有限公司Company Name: Xiamen Xinnuo Big Glass Sculpture Co. Ltd.   電話: 傳真: 手機: E-mail:sinoglassart@gmail.com 網(wǎng)址:http://www.xnglass.com http://xnglass.en.alibaba.com/ http://www.xnglass.net.cn/   地址:中國福建省廈門市湖里區(qū)天豐機械城6-8# Add: No.6-8, Tianfeng Machine City, Huli District, Xiamen, China 郵編: 361000   您好!我是馨諾玻璃藝術有限公司的Kerry,我公司是專門制作吹制玻璃藝術工藝類燈飾、雕塑,琉璃盤片壁飾、盤片燈飾等,如需要用到此類產(chǎn)品,可以聯(lián)系我!謝謝!我的QQ406112010!希望我們有機會合作!


