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棕剛玉研磨砂Coffee aluminum oxide 180#



棕剛玉研磨砂Coffee aluminum oxide 180#   傾倒?fàn)t巴馬克棕剛玉是以優(yōu)質(zhì)傾倒?fàn)t棕剛玉為原料,經(jīng)巴馬克磨機粉碎 整形,磁選去鐵,篩分成多種粒度,其質(zhì)地致密、硬度高,粒形成球狀,適用于制造陶 瓷、樹脂高固結(jié)磨具以及研磨、拋光、噴砂、熔模鑄造等,還可用于制造耐火材料。其中,棕剛玉粒度砂廣泛用于各種噴砂,樹脂砂輪磨料,涂附磨具和耐磨方面。 棕剛玉對輥砂(P砂)是通過對輥機生產(chǎn)線加工處理而成,堆積密度比球磨整形砂低,但純度高,自銳性強.韌性好,磁性物含量特低,用其制成的磨具磨削鋒利,發(fā)熱率低,磨削比高,且使用時沾附少,制成的燒結(jié)磨具具有燒成后頗色深藍、不起網(wǎng)狀裂紋、無銹斑的特點,適用于涂附磨具。棕剛玉巴馬克砂(巴馬克F砂)為巴馬克制砂線生產(chǎn),顆粒形狀更加圓整,堆積密度高,氧化鋁純度高,更適用于生產(chǎn)固結(jié)磨具例如樹脂砂輪、陶瓷砂輪等產(chǎn)品。 Brown fused alumina grit is a basic abrasive grain for making abrasive tools and abrasive blasting. It is produced from natural bauxite mine by a fusing process. After fusing and melting at about 2000 centigrade, it turns to a kind of artificial brown fused alumina. The main chemical of brown fused alumina is Al2O3. So it also be called brown aluminum oxide.  With different milling technology, there are several types of brown fused alumina. They are available for different applications such as sandblasting, surface treatment,resin bonded abrasives, vitrified bonded abrasives,anti-skid materials,etc. The higher Al2O3 purity, the higher hardness and better grinding performance.  傾倒?fàn)t巴馬克棕剛玉和普通棕剛玉的區(qū)別: 1.傾倒?fàn)t影響SiO2含量,傾倒?fàn)tSiO2<1%,常規(guī)固定爐SiO2<1.5% 2.巴馬克影響密度,,巴馬克破碎粒型圓潤,密度大于顎式破碎機的密度 3.傾倒?fàn)tAl2O3含量高,傾倒?fàn)tAl2O3>94%,固定爐Al2O3>93% 4.傾倒?fàn)t工藝生產(chǎn)的棕剛玉韌性好,使用于磨具制品。   Features of brown fused alumina grit: 1. High hardness around Mohs 9.0. 2. High toughness which is a little higher than white fused alumina. 3. Good grinding ability. 4. A quality level with high Al2O3 purity and low TiO2 impurity. 5. Low Fe2O3 content with magnetic removal treatment.    棕剛玉研磨砂Coffee aluminum oxide 180#化學(xué)成分   棕剛玉F砂 棕剛玉P砂 F8-F80 F90-F150 F180-F220 P40-P80 P100-P150 P180-P220 AL2O3 ≥95% ≥94% ≥93% ≥95% ≥94% ≥93% Fe2O3 ≤0.3% ≤0.2% ≤0.3% Si2O ≤1.5% ≤1.2% ≤1.5% Ti2O ≤3.0% ≤3.5% ≤3.0% ≤3.5% 磁性物 ≤0.05% ≤0.04% ≤0.03% ≤0.05% ≤0.04% ≤0.03%   棕剛玉研磨砂Coffee aluminum oxide 180#物理指標 主要礦物 Al2O3 硬度 莫氏 9.0 熔點 2200 ℃ 使用溫度 1850℃ 比重 3.95g/cm3 堆積密度(LPD): 1.53-1.99 g/cm3 顏色 棕色 晶形 三方晶系     粒度 平均粒徑 堆積密度(g/cm3) F12 2085 2.02-2.10 F14 1765 2.00-2.08 F16 1470 1.97-2.05 F20 1230 1.92-2.02 F22 1040 1.90-1.98 F24 885 1.88-1.98 F30 745 1.85-1.96 F36 625 1.84-1.95 F40 525 1.81-1.89 F46 438 1.79-1.87 F54 370 1.77-1.85 F60 310 1.76-1.84 F70 260 1.75-1.83 F80 218 1.73-1.81 F90 185 1.71-1.79 F100 154 1.64-1.72 F120 129 1.61-1.69 F150 109 1.59-1.67 F180 82 1.57-1.65 F220 69 1.55-1.63       主要用途: 陶瓷砂輪,重負荷砂輪,磨輪。 樹脂砂輪,超薄切割片,角磨片等。 拋磨塊,海綿磨塊等。
