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金剛石微粉適用于高硬度的非金屬脆硬材料如硬質(zhì)合金、陶瓷、玻璃、晶體等的精磨、研磨、拋光、精拋和超級拋光。用于不同樹脂結(jié)合劑、或陶瓷結(jié)合劑,生產(chǎn)拋光磨具、研磨膏、研磨劑,或用作松散磨料。 晶鑫牌人造金剛石微粉是采用獨特的破碎技術(shù)制造的優(yōu)質(zhì)人造金剛石微粉.單個顆呈規(guī)則塊狀。優(yōu)良的晶形和粒度分布使其產(chǎn)品可對下述材料及工件進行高精度的磨削研磨和拋光: 軸承的滾珠及滾道,碳化鎢及金剛石拉絲模,各種陶瓷件,擠壓模成形模及鑄模,金相分析樣品,光學鏡片,各種寶石鉆石等型號有W0.25W0.5W1W1.5W2.5W3.5W5.W7.W10.W14.W20.W28.W40.W50 Henan JingXin micron powder Abrasive CO.,LTD. supply Diamond micron powder is the fine size synthetic diamond powder,diamond micron powder used widely for polishing ceramic, glass, gem stone,natural diamond, electronic components etc,the micron powder is also suitable for making flexible discs, diamond polishing discs, diamond wire drawing dies, copping paste, precision grinding disc, PCD&PDC composites ,we control the diamond particle micron size by X-100 analysing instrument, this will guarantee to supply our customer the precise mesh size micron powders.  As a professional exporter of diamond micron powder ,our products exported to North America,South East Asia and West europe markets. We also supply diamond micron powders of the following grain sizes: W0.25 W0.5 W1.0 W1.5 W2.5 W3.5 W5 W7 W10 W14 W20 W28 W40 W50 W60
