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金屬油墨【 技術參考】油墨特性: 擁有高光高色澤,主要用于金屬表面、白鐵表面、不銹鋼表面、玻璃表面、UV表面、強化表面、電鍍表面等材料上,具有高色澤、高色彩、高遮蓋力、高穩(wěn)定性、耐酒精及耐磨擦之特點。   印刷:絲印移印均可。   表干及實干時間:表干時間自然揮發(fā)5-10分鐘;實干時間在24小時以內(加專用固化劑)。   稀釋及清洗:SV3慢干開油水、UVK1(移印開油水)同時可使用718洗網水清洗。   測試方法(完全干燥后): 1、3m膠紙粘在畫有百格的油墨表面,45度角迅速拉起不脫油; 2、純度99%的工業(yè)酒精,一千克砝碼用棉布包住在油墨表面,以水平力來回拉200次無脫色; 3、 耐磨:橡皮擦500g力水平來回擦500次。   使用方法: 1、使用前應充分攪拌,用后隨時封閉; 2、攪拌時加開油水10-15%,稀釋到印刷粘度如需自干加專用固化劑5%-10%. 3、網板塞網時可用洗網水清洗; 4、不得與其它類型油墨混合使用。1、適用范圍:本產品主要用于各種金屬、玻璃、陶瓷、石材、電鍍、陽極氧化鋁表面、靜電噴漆面及烤漆面等制品的絲印及移?。徊恍杓庸袒瘎?,不需烘烤,即可獲得的附著力。2、產品特性:啞光、附著力佳、耐酒精、耐沖壓。3、稀釋劑:用B-03專用稀釋劑或783開油,用718洗網水清洗網版。4、固化劑:可選擇添加JS-10專用固化劑用于增加油墨附著力及物理化學抗性5、油墨調配方法:開罐先攪拌均勻,取所需量油墨稀釋到合適印刷粘度。如需添加固化劑,先加固化劑攪拌后靜置10分鐘,待油墨與固化劑完全交聯(lián)后再進行稀釋。6、干燥時間:常溫干燥,表干時間5-10分鐘,實干時間在24小時以內,48小時后達較佳性能,烤箱80℃烘烤30分鐘性能更優(yōu)。7、添加固化劑后的使用時限:4-6小時,過期請棄用,剩余油墨不可回收?!拘阅軝z測】1、3M膠帶劃百格測試:100%無脫落2、耐沖壓測試:1mm厚鋁板180°折彎無變化。3、耐酒精測試:用脫脂棉沾濃度99%工業(yè)酒精以500G力水平來回200次無脫色?!咀⒁馐马棥?、先小量試印確認符合要求后再批量生產。2、做好承印物的表面清除油脂及雜質工作,以促進附著效果。3、附著力、硬度、耐酸性、耐酒精性、耐化學品性、抗劃傷性、耐磨性等性能的檢測,需要完全固化后方可檢測。4、未經允許情況下,不得將本系列油墨與其它類型油墨混用及配色。5、油墨,稀釋劑使用及儲存時嚴禁煙火。6、使用時注意施工場所的通風狀況良好,盡量避免皮膚直接接觸。7、本品不慎濺入口、鼻、眼、耳內,應用大量水清洗或直接求助醫(yī)生。Metal ink[ ] technical referenceProperties of ink:With high gloss and high color, mainly used for metal surface, the surface of the surface of stainless steel, iron, glass surface, UV surface, enhanced surface, plating and other materials, with a high color, high color, high covering power, high stability, high alcohol and rub characteristics.Printing: screen printing can be.Surface drying and drying time: surface dry time natural volatile 5-10 minutes; work time within 24 hours ( with special curing agent).Dilution and cleaning: SV3 slow dry open water, UVK1 ( printing open water) can be simultaneously used 718 washing network water cleaning.Test method ( completely dry ):In 1, 3M gummed paper in paintings of the surface of the ink, 45 degree angle quickly pulled off the oil;In 2, 99% of the purity of industrial alcohol, one kilogram of weight of cotton pack in the ink surface, with a horizontal force pulling back and forth 200 times without decolorization;3: 500g force levels, wear-resistant eraser brush back and forth 500 times.Method of use:In 1, before use should be fully stirred, use at any time after the closure of;2, add water mixing 10-15%, diluted to printing viscosity for self stem plus special curing agent 5%-10%.3, mesh plug mesh used when washing network water cleaning;4, not with other types of ink mixing.1, the scope of application: This product is mainly used for a variety of metal, glass, ceramic, stone, electroplating, anodic alumina surface, electrostatic spray painting surface and the paint surface and other products, screen printing and printing; without curing agent, without baking, can obtain excellent adhesion.Product characteristics: 2, Matt, adhesive force is good, ethanol tolerance, punching resistance.3: B-03 special thinner, thinner or 783 oil, 718 washing network water cleaning screen.4, curing agent: can choose to add the JS-10 special curing agent was used to increase the ink adhesion and chemical resistance5, ink deployment method: open cans to uniform mixing, and the required amount to the appropriate ink printing viscosity dilution. Such as adding curing agent, curing agent and stirring to 10 minutes, until the ink and curing agent completely crosslinked after dilution.In 6, the drying time: normal temperature drying, dry time 5-10 minutes, drying time is in 24 hours, 48 hours to reach the best performance, 80℃oven and bake for 30 minutes with more excellent performance.7, adding curing agent after the use of time: 4-6 hours, expired please abandoned, remaining ink unrecyclable.[ ] performance detectionIn 1, 3M tape row Cross-cut test: 100% off2, punching resistance test: 1mm thick aluminum sheet 180 °bending without change.3, alcohol test: use absorbent cotton dipped in concentrations of 99% industrial alcohol with 500G force level and 200 times without decolorization.[ note ]In 1, the first small print test confirmation after the mass production.2, do the substrate surface to remove grease and impurity, to promote the attachment effect.3, adhesion, hardness, acid resistance, alcohol resistance, chemical resistance, scratch resistance, abrasion resistance and other properties of detection, fully cured before detection.4, without permission, may not use the series of ink and other types of ink mixing and matching.5, ink, diluent, use and storage of fireworks prohibited.In 6, when in use, pay attention to the construction of space ventilation condition, try to avoid direct contact with the skin.In 7, this product is inadvertently splashed entrance, nose, eyes, ears, use a large number of water washing or direct help doctor.


