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設備尺寸按客戶實際需求量身定制! 適用于生產(chǎn)建筑玻璃家具玻璃、家電玻璃、汽車玻璃等平板鋼化玻璃的生產(chǎn); It is suitable to produce flat tempered glass for architecture, furniture, home appliances, vehicle etc. 可鋼化普通浮法玻璃、超白玻璃、著色玻璃、單面絲印玻璃、壓花玻璃、部分鍍膜玻璃等。 The suitable glass sort including: clear float glass, tinted glass, single side screen printing glass, rolled glass, ultra clear glass, and some series of coated glass. 設備特點:對于生產(chǎn)4mm厚玻璃或更薄玻璃,采用兩個風機的通過式結(jié)構(gòu);其中一個為高壓風機,另外一個為低壓風機。具有更好的節(jié)能效果,產(chǎn)品平整度也能顯著提高。 Special point: Our pass-through type furnace has special advantage when you start from 3mm or 4mm. There are two blowers and two chillers; one big blower for high pressure chiller section, the other one is a small blower for low pressure chiller. This configuration is energy efficiency and makes glass flatness better. 技術參數(shù) Technical parameters: 型號 Model 較大規(guī)格Max.Size  (mm) 較小規(guī)格Min.Size  (mm) 厚度范圍 Thickness  (mm) 產(chǎn)量(米²/小時) Productivity (m²/h) 供電容量KVA Power Capacity YTP1506 1500×600 110×50 2.0-10 14.4 ≥100 YTP2010 2000×1000 200×100 2.5-12 32 ≥200 YTP2412 2440×1200 250×100 2.8-19 46.8 ≥315 YTP2515 2500×1500 300×100 2.8-19 60 ≥400 YTP3018 3000×1800 300×100 2.8-19 86.4 ≥400 YTP3020 3000×2000 300×100 4-19 96 ≥500 YTP3620 3660×2000 300×100 4-19 115 ≥630 YTP3624 3660×2440 300×100 4-19 142 ≥630 YTP4224 4220×2440 300×100 4-19 164.7 ≥800 YTP5024 5000×2440 300×100 4-19 195.2 ≥900 YTP6024 6000×2440 350×150 4-19 234.2 ≥1100 YTP6030 6000×3000 450×250 5-19 288 ≥1380 YTP8033 8000×3300 450×250 6-19 422.4 ≥1880   注: 除以上所列爐型外,可按客戶實際需求定制不同規(guī)格尺寸爐型; 上述產(chǎn)量按5mm白玻,100%裝載率,100%成品率計算。玻璃厚度的增減會引起產(chǎn)量變化; 上述供電容量按4mm厚白玻鋼化時所需要數(shù)值計算。  
