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Technical Data sheet: LF230000-series LF-230000 Heavy metal (lead, cadmium, mercury, chromium VI) free glass enamels for tempering and heat strength 無重金屬玻璃油墨適合于鋼化及熱硬化玻璃 Substrate: Architectural & appliance glass 建筑玻璃及家電,家俱玻璃使用 Features: Lithium free 無鋰 High opacity高遮蓋系數       Glossy appearance 高亮度       Good durability 高耐久性       Intermixable 可混合性 Availability: The LF230000 series can be provided in various application related media 可提供類型:油性絲印型     Silk Screen printing Oil based paste         V Durability: Standard international flat glass resistance tests 耐久性測試        Chemical resistance (ASTM C724-91)耐化學測試        Mechanical resistance (sclerometer)耐機械性測試(硬度)        Sulphur dioxide (DIN 50018)耐硫化物測試        UV light (xeno 1200)耐紫外線測試        Weathering test (NFP78-451)耐候性測試        Mechanical strength (DIN 18516)耐機械力測試(強度) Description Heavy metal free glass enamels for toughening and heat strengthening. Borosilicate frit with added metaloxide pigments. All standard colors are intermixable. 無鉛油墨適合于鋼化, 熱硬化, 組成成分為玻璃粉添加金屬氧化物色粉混合而成, 所有的顏色均可混合. Color: Color shades available: 可提供的顏色型號有 LF-239237   Opacity white LF-233486   Opacity black LF-2360735  Translucent LF-2370623  Etch white LF-23901    Transparent Iridescence color干擾色 LF-2391286  Rutile-Lilac Pearl LF-2350286  Rutile-Platinum Gold LF-2351286  Rutile-Red Pearl LF-2352286  Rutile-Blue Pearl LF-2353286  Rutile-Green Pearl Metallic color金屬色 LF-2300186  Iriodin Silver Pearl LF-2320586  Iriodin Red Brown LF-2340586  Iriodin Red Orange LF-2350586  Iriodin Red Satin LF-2360386  Iriodin Gold Satin LF-2330386  Iriodin Royal Gold Substrate: Flat glass, 適合的基材為平板玻璃 Printing Conditions:印刷條件 Recommended mesh size when pasted up in I.R. drying medium is 43-77 T (110-195 mesh).當油墨用紅外線干燥型調和油時, 建議使用目數為43-77 T (110-195 mesh) All pastes will be supplied in the standard powder to medium radio and can be diluted with the appropriate thinner, which is indicated on the Technical Data Sheet of the relevant medium. 所有的膏狀油墨都是按一定的比例將色粉和調和油混合而成, 它可以按照相關調和油的技術資料選用合適的稀釋劑進行稀釋. Coefficient of thermal expansion: Varies between 85 and 95 10-7 k-1 depending on the shades 膨脹系數 Resistance: 耐化學特性 --Acid resistance test results:耐酸型 -3.5% Hcl, 15 minutes at room temperature assessment according to ASTM C 724-91, Grade: 3 to 4 鹽酸3.5% 15分鐘,室溫下, 檢驗標準ASTM C 724-91, 等級3~4 -10% Citric acid, 15 minutes at room temperature assessment according to ASTM C 724-91 Grade: 2 to 3.檸檬酸10% 15分鐘,室溫下, 檢驗標準ASTM C 724-91, 等級2~3 -4% Acetic acid, 24 hours at room temperature assessment according to ASTM C 724-91, Grade: 2 to 3 醋酸4%,24小時, 室溫, 檢驗標準ASTM C 724-91, 等級2~3 --Alkaline resistance test results:耐堿型 -10% Sodiumhydroxde, 2 hours at 95℃ assessment according to ASTM norm C1203-91 result: <1.0㎎/c㎡ 氫氧化鈉10% 2小時, 95度檢驗標準ASTM norm C1203-91 結果 <1.0㎎/c㎡ Presentation: the colors from this range can be provided in:可提供范圍 -paste 膏狀 -I.R. drying screen printing medium紅外線干燥絲印調和油 JIUNN WEI can provide mixing formulations for many popular RAL& Pantone colors. However, due to application and glass variables thorough tests should be made under local manufacturing conditions before commencing full production. 圳偉可按RAL 和PANTONE 色號調色, 但是因為測試條件和玻璃本身的不同, 在大量使用前請以當地制造條件為準. Firing 燒結 The LF23000 series can be fired through most conventional tempering and heat strengthening cycles.可以適合于大部分的鋼化, 熱硬化爐 Furnace Temperature: 640-720℃ (1180-1330℉)加熱溫度640~720度 Firing Time: 100-300 seconds (Depending on glass thickness)加熱時間100~300秒,根據玻璃厚度不同. Peak Glass Temperature: 630-650℃(1160-1200℉) 高峰溫度630~650度. The gloss level can vary slightly depending on firing time and temperature.油墨的色澤可通過調節(jié)燒結溫度,時間來做稍微的調整. Higher Temperature: More Gloss 溫度高一點可以使色澤亮一點 Longer Firing: More Gloss時間長一點也可使色澤亮一點 While the colors are stable across a wide firing range the burn-out of organic media can create a destabilizing chemical environment. This can be prevented by providing adequate ventilation to ensure an oxygen rich environment is maintained within the furnace. 有機溶劑在燃燒時可能會使爐內化學環(huán)境不穩(wěn)定, 為避免污染可以通過對加熱爐通風,送氧來改善. Application使用 The LF230000 enamels recommended Media推薦溶劑 -Oil-Based Screening Media composed by pine-oil, resins, waxes, wetting agents… 油性溶劑, 有松油, 樹脂, 蜂蠟, 濕潤劑等 SDB-42: slow-drying medium used for screen painting and for stamping.慢干型適合絲印,凸版印刷 SDB-41: medium for fast-firing techniques, especially for the toughening process.快干型適合鋼化 Heavy Metal Free All industries, including those that the glass industry supplies, are moving towards the elimination of heavy metals from products and processes. The demand for heavy metal free is being generated from a number of sources for a variety of reasons.所有工業(yè)包括玻璃工業(yè)都在朝袪除重金屬的方向努力. 很多領域已經要求無重金屬     *Improve Health and Safety in the workplace.改善工作環(huán)境的健康與衛(wèi)生     *Reduce the cost of heavy metal waste disposal for glass decorators.減少對有重金屬的玻璃裝飾品的廢棄物的處理費用     *Create consumer satisfaction with I green’ glass products. 制造客戶滿意的 “綠色”玻璃產品     *Remove heavy metals from waste streams when glass is eventually disposed of.當玻璃較終被處理時, 減少的廢物中的重金屬 The heavy metals lead and cadmium have traditionally been used for ceramic and glass decoration. Lead oxide has always been a major component in the frit that the major constituent of a glass enamels. These frits are manufactured by the smelting of lead oxide with silica, boron and other minerals and alkali metals. The presence of lead in the frit imparts many desirable properties on the glass enamel. 鉛, 鎘傳統(tǒng)上一直被用來做玻璃的裝飾, 氧化鉛一直都是玻璃粉內較主要的成分, ( 而玻璃粉也是玻璃釉料的主要的成分) 玻璃粉是由氧化鉛, 硅, 硼以及其它金屬和堿金屬熔溶而成. 鉛在玻璃粉力起著非常重要的角色.     *Low softening temperature降低熔點     *High gloss增加亮度     *Good strength and chemical resistance 提高耐化學性耐機械性能     *Low cost 降低成本 Lead-Free Guarantees,無重金屬保障 Our system LF-230000 glass enamel are designed to be heavy metal free , which means that they do not contain intentional additions of Pb , Cd, CrVl and Hg. They are provided with the following guarantees according to ASTM F-963: 我們這個系統(tǒng)的玻璃油墨, 是屬于無重金屬的. 意思是不含有國際規(guī)定ASTM F-963的鉛, 鎘, 鉻, 汞等重金屬. Pb max content 600ppm, 鉛的較大含量為600ppm. Cd max content 75ppm, 鎘的較大含量75ppm. System LF-230000 is also lithium free. 本系統(tǒng)油墨不含鋰 Storage: it is recommended that the product is stored in dry surroundings at room temperature (20℃,68℉) and is not exposed to large temperature shocks 干凈, 室溫條件, 不得曝露高溫環(huán)境. Stability: -paste: 24 months after production date (when stored correctly) 使用有效期:當儲藏得當時24月 Health & Safety: Good industrial hygiene and work practices should be adhered to when handling these products. For detailed health and safety requirements, please consult the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet.有關安全咨詢請參考MSDS
