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供應(yīng)稀土氧化釔 氧化釔



產(chǎn)品名稱:氧化釔(Y2O3) 性質(zhì):白色略帶黃色粉末。相對密度5.01。熔點2410℃。不溶于水和堿,溶于酸。露置空氣中易吸收二氧化碳和水。 用途:主要用于制造單晶、釔鐵石榴石、釔鋁釹石榴石等復(fù)合氧化物,這些復(fù)合氧化物由于高頻性能好,可作為微波用磁性材料及軍事通信工程用的重要材料。也可用磁性材料及軍事通信工程用的重要材料。也可用作高級光學(xué)玻璃添加劑制高溫透明玻璃、陶瓷材料添加劑、X光增感屏稀土熒光粉、大屏幕電視用高亮度熒光粉和其他顯像管涂料。此外還用于制造薄膜電容器和特種耐火材料,以及高壓水銀燈、激光、貯存元件等的飽磁區(qū)材料。 Properties:Y2O3slightly yellow and white powder. Density 5.01. 2410 ° C melting point. Do not dissolve in water and alkali and dissolved in acid. Uses:Yttrium Oxide also called Yttria, high purity Yttrium Oxides are the most important materials for tri-bands Rare Earth phosphors which give the red colour in colour television & computer tubes. In optical industry, the Yttrium Oxide is used to produce yttrium-iron-garnets, which are very effective microwave filters. Low purity of Yttrium Oxide are widely applied in electronic ceramics   化學(xué)分析 : 相對純度(Purity): 99.99% 稀土總量(TREO):≥99% 稀土雜質(zhì)含量(RE.Impurities) 非稀土雜質(zhì)含量 (Non--RE.Impurities) La2O3     <10PPM CeO2      <10PPM Pr6O11     <10PPM Nd2O3     <10PPM Sm2O3     <10PPM Eu2O3     <10PPM Gd2O3     <10PPM Tb4O7     <10PPM                       Dy2O3     <10PPM  Ho2O3     <10PPM Er2O3     <25PPM Tm2O3     <10PPM Yb2O3     <10PPM Lu2O3     <10PPM Fe2O3    <3PPM CaO     <190PPM Cl-      <150PPM SiO2     <20PPM ZnO     <5PPM PbO     <3PPM NiO     <3PPM CuO     <3PPM L.O.I       1%

