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TOPBEST-658中空玻璃熱熔丁基膠 一、 產(chǎn)品概述: TOP BEST-658中空玻璃熱熔丁基膠是一種以聚異丁烯橡膠為基料的單組份、無溶劑、不出霧、不硫化、具有較久塑性的中空玻璃密封膠。其能在較寬溫度范圍內(nèi)保持良好塑性和密封性,且表面不開裂、不變硬,對玻璃、鋁合金、鍍鋅鋼、不銹鋼等材料有優(yōu)良的粘結(jié)性。由于其具有極佳的氣密性,可以與彈性密封劑一起構(gòu)成一個的抗?jié)駳庀到y(tǒng)。 1. Description TOP BEST-658 TOP BEST-658 insulating glass hot melt butyl rubber is a kind of polyisobutylene rubber as the base material of one-component, solvent-free, no fog, no cure, with permanent plastic of the insulating glass sealant. The temperature in a wide range of good plastic and sealing, and the surface does not crack, not hardened, glass, aluminum, galvanized steel, stainless steel and other materials have excellent adhesion. Because of its excellent air tightness, together with flexible sealant to form a superior anti-moisture system. 二、 適用范圍: 熱熔丁基膠主要用于中空玻璃生產(chǎn),作為中空玻璃靠前道密封膠與雙組份聚硫膠、硅酮膠配套使用,已完成雙道密封。 2. Application area Hot melt butyl rubber is mainly used for insulating glass production, as the insulating glass sealant and the first two-component polysulfide rubber, silicone rubber supporting the use of, has completed the double sealed. 三、 使用方法: 使用前請把被粘材質(zhì)表面的水、油、灰塵等污垢清除干凈。熱熔丁基膠使用中專用熱熔丁基膠擠出機涂敷,具有使用條件可通過調(diào)整溫度和壓力達到。擠出溫度范圍為120℃-140℃,施工時環(huán)境溫度要求不低于80℃. 3. Usage: Clean water, oil, dust and other dirt on the surface where the stick to. The use of special hot melt butyl rubber butyl rubber extruder, hot melt coating, with the use of conditions can be achieved by adjusting the temperature and pressure. Extrusion temperature range of 120 ℃ -140 ℃, ambient temperature requirements during the construction of not less than 80 ℃. 四、 主要技術(shù)指標(biāo): 1)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)顏色:黑色,也可根據(jù)客戶需求調(diào)制。 2)耐高低溫性:在-40℃--130℃范圍內(nèi)連續(xù)使用20小時不粉化、不變硬、不失粘、不分解,較高耐熱溫度為160℃。 3)本產(chǎn)品使用壽命20年以上。 4)比重:1.2g—1.3g/cm?。 5)固含量:100%。 4. the major technical indicators: 1) Standard colors: black, also can be modulated according to customer needs. 2) resistance to high temperature resistance: In the -40 ℃ - 130 ℃ within 20 hours of continuous use of non-powder, non-hardening, without losing stick, do not decompose, the maximum heat temperature of 160 ℃. 3) The product life of more than 20 years. 4) Specific gravity: 1.2g-1.3g/cm ?. 5) Solid content: 100%. 五、儲存保質(zhì)期: 較佳儲存條件下(-10℃-30℃陰涼干燥處),貯存期為24個月。 5.Storage Store under temperature 10℃ to 30℃ and shelf life is 24 months. 六、包裝: 1)鐵桶包裝:6kg/桶。 2)鐵桶直徑180mm,高250mm。注:包裝也可按客戶需求定做。 6.Package: 1) iron drum: 6kg / barrel. 2) The drum diameter 180mm, high 250mm. Note: The packaging can order.

